- Employers who have not yet applied for the partial unemployment for November
- Deadline extended to November 5, 2020 (instead of October 12 as initially planned)
- Procedure for applying the partial unemployment:
- The partial unemployment application form can be downloaded under the following link: https://guichet.public.lu/dam-assets/catalogue-formulaires/coronavirus/chomage-partiel-procedure-exceptionnelle-novembre/chomage-partiel-novembre-demande.pdf
- The completed application must be sent to the following address: chp.novembre@eco.etat.lu and accompanied by a bank statement (RIB) and a statement from the staff delegation certifying that it has been informed of partial unemployment application1 or an information note signed by each employee concerned by the partial unemployment (in the absence of staff delegation)2
- Conditions for using the partial unemployment remain the same (especially, regarding the maximum percentage of the workforce eligible for the partial unemployment measures): https://guichet.public.lu/en/entreprises/sauvegarde-cessation-activite/sauvegarde-emploi/chomage-partiel-technique/chomage-partiel-relance-eco.html
- Employers who have already applied for the partial unemployment for November
- No new partial unemployment application to submit for November
- Exceptionally, the companies concerned will be able to modify the number of employees who actually benefited from the partial unemployment during November through the final statement to be applied to ADEM (while ensuring that the maximum percentage of the workforce eligible for the partial unemployment measures is respected).
- Reminder – December partial unemployment
- Usual procedure to follow
- Deadline: until November 12, 2020